Tuesday, July 21, 2009


It’s the middle of July and we are having 70 degree temperatures in Minnesota. I don’t know about your state but Minnesota is experiencing a relatively cool summer but little rain. What does that mean; water, water, water. Minnesota, the western United States, and portions of the south and southeastern United States continue to be in a drought. Container gardens dry out faster than our gardens in the ground, so check your containers at least every other day particularly the ones that are in full sun. For the most effective use of water, water in ground gardens in the early or later part of the day when the sun is not as prevalent to prevent evaporation. If you do tend to water in the evening be sure to water early enough so the foliage of the plants have enough time to dry off which helps prevent disease.

Remember to give your trees and shrubs supplemental watering, and don’t forget your evergreens, they need ample amounts of water to successfully survive the winter months.

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